Monday, September 19, 2011


Written by Nick Brodeur

Anger, frustration,
standing on rebellions edge, 
abstracts among multitudes,
 lay history's supportive hand.

Muted, suppressed, 
an open mouth with no voice,
 historical fears dictating us, 
preaching need for a balance restored.

Pride, desparation,
 to feel worthy of basic human rights, 
when the line between have and had,
 becomes unmistakable and yet deniable.

Lust, oppression, 
the uncivilized means of restoring civility, 
greed above humanity, 
our non existent past.

Power, absolution,
 to watch over many without restraint,
 through panic and fear,
 they will lead us divided and broken.

Ashamed, repressed, 
the basic needs of life that keep us silent, 
when childrens mouths and warmth, 
depend on your words carefully chosen.

Love, absolution, 
the no fault loss of a friend,
 the heartfelt vow to never stand silent,
 vocal against madness and corruption.

Dedication, sacrifice, 
when others would cower in fear,
hereos arise out of conflict with kept memories,
 for the cost of inaction, just to great to bare.

Peaceful, revolution,
 a powerful voice announcing the presence of hope,
 beheld in the spirit of possitive change,
 united in it's introduction to the world.

I give permission for this poem to be used either in part or entirety, to promote the spirit and purpose of which it was written.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brand New Poem...I Woke Up !

I Woke Up!
Written by Nick Brodeur

I woke up this morning, 
with the weight of this world, 
pressing heavy inside me, 
my whole stomach in swirls.

I could feel something weary,
something really awry.
I just wanted to lay there, 
to curl up and just cry.

I could see his great visions, 
though a  dream I was there, 
I could feel the wind blowing, 
smell the smoke fill the air.

I could see people running, 
hear their screaming from fear, 
no one saw this end coming, 
these harsh judgements so near. 

I could see the destruction, 
buildings once great did fall, 
from the house of our fathers, 
down to Carnegie Hall. 

I could sense their intentions, 
though "they" were unclear, 
but Gods warning not subtle, 
our near future is here.

I asked God, am I crazy?, 
For what else would I do? 
I'm not christian or catholic,
not a Muslim or Jew.

I cannot see the future, 
for I'm just one small man, 
did you give me your message, 
did you show me your plans?

I than reached for my bible,
a great verse did he show,
for he told me of Enoch,
seek the truths he did know.

I could feel the Lords presence,
as I scoured the globe,
for the truth that's among us,
so to dawn my white robe.

I could feel my heart pounding,
the more truth I revealed,
For the knowledge of Enoch,
is much more than the seals.

It was like he was right there,
Speaking only to me,
Said have faith in these visions,
as God meant them to be.

I could see my own future,
'till the end I'll have faith,
through this coming destruction,
he has showed me my fate.

The secrets of the end times. The story that is to be locked, until the time of the end, IS NOW.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Remember the Fallen

Remember The Fallen
Poem by Nick Brodeur

As you stand here today, 
before the red, white, and blue,
we remember the ones, 
who gave freedom to you.

We remember the fallen, 
for they paid a great price,
not through their proud lives, 
through their great sacrifice.

As you stand here today, 
we remember their lives,
we remember their children, 
we remember their wives.

For it's not just these names, 
that are carved out of stone,
but the ones with the pieces, 
left to pick up back home.

As you stand here today, 
may we never forget,
all the soldiers back home, 
that still live with regrets.

May they always remember, 
we are here everyday,
we understand their troubles, 
grab our hands lead the way

As we stand here today, 
may we pray to the lord,
to bring justice to evil, 
bring an end to these wars.

Pray we gain understanding, 
though not always agree,
we are just one small planet, 
may we all find some peace.

Please feel free to use this poem in any means necessary to promote the spirit of which it was written. The healing of those effected by war! By my belief... that should be everyone. Pray for our nations healing. Pray for truth & justice. Pray for our soldiers.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

As I stand (rough draft)

As I stand before the Eve of Dawn, I stop to absorb the beauty that surrounds me.
Knowing like most beauty, it will soon fade and go dark with furry.

As I stand before this raging river that's jumped it's course, I appreciate the creativity of GOD.
For no matter how many roads or houses we will build, I know HE reigns above all.

As I stand before the base of a once raging mountain, I feel as little more than a speck of sand.
The unlimited rage bottled inside it's core, is but a minor reflection of GODS power.

As I stand before it's path of destruction, I appreciate how truly fragile our world is.
Yet only years later, life again flourishes and grows, blossoming into a renewed beauty.

As I stand before his ocean, I remember the strength and furry it cast upon us with no warning.
That he may draw others to him, to remember all these things that must come to pass, as proof.

As I stand before this chaotic world, led in greed and divided by fear, I hold true Lords promises.
Prophecies of a world birthing in pain, prepping humanity for the ultimate war, unification disguised as survival.

As I stand after the night of thieves, I can see the worlds anger and pain, confusion and helplessness.
Standing! Fighting to remain an Eagle! In a world where only sheep can live, I will succeed.

As I inevitably stand before my Lord, I will do so as a sinner unworthy of his love or compassion.
Yet he will forgive me, for I may not have always lived for him, but I'll have died for him.

I wrote this poem quite a while back and just recently found it. Funny, I forgot all about this one, but it rings more true now than when I wrote it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I Declare My Love for You

I Declare My Love for You...

I love you like Columbus loved the stars,
for when he was lost, they helped him to find his way.

I love you like Motzark loved music,
for even in the darkest hours, each note could lift him up.

I love you like a fish loves a stream,
for without one, there could be no other.

I love you like a flower loves the sun,
for only through it's light, could it bloom into something wonderful.

I love you like god loves his children,
for only through your love, do I know what love truly is.

Most of all...I love you beyond any comparison,
for only your heart, was ever made for mine.

I declare my love for you, unconditional and unfaltering.

Finding the light

Finding the light
..> ..>
I walk among the shadows of the forest, watching the light peek through it's branches.
I watch the beauty of nature from a distance, as everything living around me continues their everyday life.
I absorb the beauty and grace of all of gods creations, as I walk carefully down his elaborate trails.
I look up to the sky to thank him for this beauty, and to offer my promise to keep on walking.
I promise to find the clearing, to find the light that only shines through the trees.

I stumble and find myself in total darkness, unable to see the paths in front of me.
I take out a flashlight, but can only see as far and wide as it's narrowed beam.
I stand and again make a promise to keep walking, to find the light that only shines through the trees.

I see the movement of life all around me, I can hear their voices and laughter.
I can see their illuminated shadows now, as the light shines from behind a shadowed figure far in front of me.
I must keep going, I must find the light that only comes through the trees, I will make it as it's not far now.
I approach the figure as I reach the clearing, as he tells me he's been waiting for me here all along.
Waiting for me to find the light, to remove the darkness that has surrounded me throughout this lifelong journey.
I drop to my knees and begin to cry, as LIFE had been waiting for me to find it.

I no longer walk through the forest of darkness and shadows, as life now provides light to see my way.
No longer just a ray of hope shining through the trees, but a light that illuminates the world instead.

May Gods words guide you to the light. May he guide you to see the truths that even many religious people refuse to see and the Bible says they will right up to the end. I pray that you come to see the light now, to open your bible to Daniel and read it, than to Habbukuk and read it, and than to Revelations and read it. Than go to and see how science has proof of the sixth seal and don't even know it.


Walk gently, onto paths, that you do not know.
Touch gently, their hearts, to make them glow.
Speak gently, those words, that always mean so much.
Love gently, the one, that you love to touch.

With everything you do in life, do it with feeling and compassion for those around you. Show that special someone that they mean everything to you, each and everyday.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today I Learned...

Today I learned to seek the lord,
while people starve and are killed by swords.
I learned to seek his truth, his ways,
to live throughout this end of days.

Today I learned to trust his plan,
for me, the world, even Japan.
I learned his word has stood the test,
scientist who said,"No", are now all saying "Yes".

Today I learned our earths getting hot,
rising soil temperatures, beleive it or not.
I learned dead fish by the millions, dead birds by score,
are just the beginning, of what the lord has in store.

So keep your eyes open, Japans not the end,
instead, just a beginning, to his wonderful plan.
I will leave you today, with one final just thought.
Their messiah will come, while our WORLD'S in chaos.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Days of Tomorrow

If you wake up one morning and find your alone, 
Rejoice that the innocent, have found their way home.

There's no time for anger, there's no time for fear, 
There's more denying the ends finally near.

You see man wrote the bible from a messengers view, 
Man now have the knowledge, to watch their warnings come true.

We see the end on all channels, many theories revealed. 
Won't they all be surprised, once they read the sixth seal.

And out of these ashes a leader will rise, bringing hope to this world, 
Make us all choose our sides. 

As he rises to power, the world will all feast, 
For to them he's a savior, but to us he's the beast.

With every church saying, we don't know the end time,
If that where so true, how could the rich and free hide?

So if chaos should happen and this worlds not the same, 
Stand true to his word and stand true to his name.

When every decisions eternal and your soul is at stake, 
Put your faith in the lord, let your heart keep you safe.

Nick Brodeur 2011

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